Everyone has a dream.
Children have a dream.
Adults have a dream.
I have a dream.
And you have a dream.
We are surrounded in dreams.
Dreams occur constantly.
During the day.
At night.
And sunset.
We never stop dreaming.
There's always something we want,
But seems impossible to have.
Some dreams are so big,
That we see them as a fairy-tale.
If people went after their dreams,
Our world would be much happier.
Less greedy.
But we don't,
Because we are scared.
And timid.
Those who follow their dreams.
Achieve them.
The ones who sit back and do nothing,
Why have a dream if you're not even going to try to follow it?
You know what that is?
That's like having a brilliant idea and not telling anyone about it.
Ignoring your dreams,
is like giving up on a whole life's worth of opportunities.
Ignoring your dreams,
is foolish.