Please don't tell me it will get better.
Please don't tell me the confusion will stop.
Please don't tell me that this is for the best.
Because all it is,
Is lies.
It's something I can't control.
Something that can never be fixed.
Something I'm stuck with for the rest of my life.
No matter how hard I try.
Don't call me names,
I don't deserve it.
Don't give me sympathy,
As it makes me feel dumb.
Don't act unusual around me,
I'm a real person.
Treat me with respect.
Make me smile everyday.
Make me laugh every morning.
Make my life happy.
World of Color
Author's Note: I struggled writing today. I could not figure out what type of writing to write based on the chapters that I read. It took awhile to come up with this poem. It didn't just come to me. Once I had my idea going it became easier and easier to write the further I became in the poem. Enjoy!
When you speak,
there is color.
When you write,
there is color.
When you study,
there is color.
When you eat,
there is color.
No matter what you do,
there will always be color.
I can taste the words on my tongue,
bitter and sweet.
Synesthesia the mind boggling,
Heart stopping condition,
That leaves me confused,
Disoriented at times.
But what doesn't kill you,
only makes you stronger.
Synesthesia isn't easy.
It isn't clear.
It isn't fun.
Especially when no one can relate.
They can't see through your eyes.
They don't see color,
unless the color is real.
On a page,
Or Colored in.
I see it whenever there's a letter, a word, a sound, a number, a shape. Anything basically.
I wouldn't trade my life though.
I have a special perspective.
A perspective not many have.
Not everyone can say,
My Life's in Color.
Storms of Mind
Author's Note: Mia was on her way over to the graveyard to set down a painting next to her grandfather's grave. When she got there she set down the painting on his grave. It started pouring rain and soon thunder hit. She realized that her painting was going to be wrecked. Her cat had ran away to find shelter. She had 2 problems. She ignored both and ran home. A short entry about this chapter. Enjoy!
The rain took over my mind.
I had left the painting for grandfather in the thunderstorms' hands.
How foolish I was to leave it there,
Knowing it would soon be ruined.
I was right.
The wet watercolor got swirled out of place.
It was everywhere.
It was a mess.
The storm has stopped, I was drenched.
And sure enough,
my cat returned home,
as dry as a feather.
For the first time, I was jealous of my cat.
Introduction to "A Mango-Shaped Space"
Author's Note: Now that I'm farther into my book I have more interesting choices on what to write about. It's tough when there aren't many things going on. This is my response to my main character's opinion. She is a little odd at times. Hope you enjoy!
Mia's grandfather passed away awhile back. The local minister had came to speak at his funeral. As he was talking she spotted a small gray and white kitten about 3 feet away from his grave. She finally convinced her parents to let her have a pet.
This is what Mia tells the reader in the book.
"Everyone thinks I named my cat Mango because of orange eyes, but that's not the case. I named him Mango because the sounds of his purrs and his wheezes and his meows are all various shades of yellow-orange, Mango."
She also thinks that because her grandpa and Mango share the same eye-color and the same shaped eyes that part of her grandfather's soul is stored in Mango's body. I find this to be a very odd observation. I've never heard anything like it but I guess it's her opinion.
Author's Note: I've chosen to read "A Mango-Shaped Space" by Wendy Mass for my independent reading book. Here is a quick introduction to what is happening in the first couple of chapters. Enjoy!
The main character, Mia Winchell, is a 13 year old girl who has a very rare, unique specialty. Whenever she spots names, numbers, letters, shapes or even hears sounds she sees colors. For example when she heard her father hammering her house she could see mottled gray bursts of color appear about a foot away from her face. Mia has a 16 year old sister named Beth that constantly dyes her hair, like everyday. I guess Mia insists that her brother has super strange thoughts and does stupid foolish things, but you could expect any older sister saying that. Basically, in these first few chapters it just explained and introduced everyone and everything. The next chapters should be more interesting and deeper into the story now that the reader knows who everyone is.

I really like the last paragraph in your poem. It is makes sense follows the theme of the poem.
ReplyDeleteYour poem was cool. That would be so weird to have that disease! The poem was well written as well and I liked it a lot.
ReplyDeleteThe poems are fun to read. The first poem I read, about the colors, was very fun, and the style worked well. I think if the second two stanzas were less literal, it would come together even better as a piece of poetry. The stanzas now almost just read like sentences. The other pieces are also interesting, and reflect how you are trying to use different formats to write. Be sure to fulfill the necessary components of each format your choose. In other words, if you do an essay response, there is always an intro, body, conclusion to it. If there is a poem, there is a disciplined way of using language taking place.
ReplyDeleteI really liked your poem on the colors. It is a really good perspective and I love your voice in it.
ReplyDeleteI love how you used great vocabulary in your color poem and I liked the last two lines.
ReplyDeleteIn your recent post- The first and third stanzas were your strongest. All the stanzas flow nicely into the next one. The last stanza wasn't as strong as your other three.
ReplyDeleteI'm no different was a good poem and it flowed good. nice job
ReplyDeleteI am starting to get a little concerned that there is an awful lot of poetry here that sounds the same, and you need to push yourself to grow. If you continue in poetry, then you need to take on some more challenges than this.
ReplyDeleteI really liked the newest poem, it is really powerful with the repetitions. It was very powerful and really made me think.
ReplyDeletewhats the authors last name